2024 Year-end Wrap Up

Time to wrap things up with a bang and some fireworks.

Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash

2024 had been a challenging year for my personal and professional life. 

It is also the year where my life took a change in direction and it is reflected on this platform. Yet, as I learn from trial and error in this new terrain, I will share what had changed on this website as well as what to look forward to in the next few months as we enter into 2025. 

New Directions

Well, as mentioned above, I’ve shifted focus on my artistic journey to focus on delivering accessible content and products while at the same time making it sustainable environmentally. More about the three core principles this platform will be based upon is explained here

Website Redesign 

To reflect upon the change in direction, I decided to redesign the website and all its branding elements. While not knowing much about design, marketing, and many more skills that I did not learn in the past, I had to quickly equip myself with such knowledge over several months. 

Learning how to create with vector was also one such skill I lacked. But, with timely help from the software Amadine, which I’ve reviewed, I managed to get that part done.

Minor adjustments will be done from time to time. But for now, I am focused on the content in the knowledge space which is to be published in the next few months. 

Redbubble Store Products

The Redbubble Store had some minor changes too. This year, I’ve focused more on producing designs that send a positive vibe of hope and joy to people on products which are mostly reusable except for items such as stickers and notebooks. 

Old works and prints are still available to those who wish to purchase one. 

Social Media

Well, my social media accounts will be my platform to announce new updates on my website, products for sale, or just random musings. So be sure to follow them if you wish to keep yourself informed. 


As this year comes to an end, I will be resting for now till 2025 decides to enter the scene. Till then, I wish all of you,

Happy Holidays


A Renewed New Year!

-Li Wei


Product Review: Amadine for MacOS