2022, What a wild year…
Time to reflect.
2022 was supposed to be a slow year for me to get well mentally. My head and mind were not in great health since the pandemic started in 2020. But I have learnt a few things in the year 2022 and made some changes to my life.
Firstly, I have moved to producing work digitally. This comes as an attempt to create a greener footprint and finding a new medium to work on. I had been producing with many media that included hazardous materials to unsustainable ones that includes but not limited to polymer clay, oil paint and paper, which are far from green nor sustainable. By moving to producing digitally, I don’t have to rely on physical materials. These drawings will only be ‘created’ when someone wants it and purchase them on RedBubble. And I have a cool customer who shared his purchase with me.
Even his cat approved
From here on out, you can expect most of my works to be digital and available as prints on my RedBubble store.
Throughout the year, I have created a few works and even started streaming on Twitch. Under the nickname Whittean, I am, right now, still in the stage of getting used to streaming myself drawing and creating. At the moment, I find myself able to create more interesting work when I’m not streaming. Somehow, it’s something that I have to learn to overcome.
I have a few things planned out for 2023, one of which are more blog posts (this space) where I’ll share my thoughts and journey in artmaking and learning. I might include a brief tutorial or two every now and then. I do hope this will get me to utilise this site a lot more than before since I’ve moved to a more stable server, this website. The previous website was very slow to my liking and this new domain and site, which is a lot more stable and fast, allows me to make full use this connection I have with you.
I will not reveal all my plans, just keep an eye on this blog section and drop by from time to time. You might be surprised with something new. Follow me on Instagram, and Twitch for more.
Thank you for reading.